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Paso a paso, cada día

Foto del escritor: RobertaRoberta

Actualizado: 15 feb 2023

Por Miryam Méndez Padilla*

A couple of years ago I stopped eating de grapes on New Year’s Eve or I mean, making any hard resolutions for the next year.

Part of me decided this because it gave me an enormous amount of pressure and anxiety by just thinking the possibility of me failing on my purposes …again.

So then every new years season I was trying to prove that I was content with my life by not putting to much attention on the new year.

To be honest, the anxiety decreased but I was also feeling kind of stuck.

In 2022 I can say that without a lot planning, my life changed drastically, just because I experienced how it actually feels to enjoy hard work by doing things that I love. I reconnected with my inner child and healed by re finding purpose in my life after moving out to another country.

Of course some days where not as good as others, but this time the process made finally sense and was worth it.

So in this few days of 2023, I heard a phrase from the psychotherapist Phil Stutz that says that Pain, Uncertainty and hard work are the 3 aspects of reality that we can’t change. (You had probably heard it too)

And then it finally clicked in me. I never wanted to commit to a New Year’s resolution because I was fearing the hard work that comes from it.

Me like many others was in the mindset of trying to live as easy as possible. But instead of looking for that in my mental patterns, I was trying to find it in my daily actions. So yes, I was avoiding almost any activity that demanded too much effort from me. No wonder I was feeling stuck.

And for this I want to re open the chance to have resolutions and new dreams for this new year. No matter how big of a compromise, akka hard work it represents. Now I understand that in order to keep developing my personal Happiness is necessary that I do things, that I do the work.

So after all, if I can’t escape from pain, uncertainty and hard work, then I’m gonna embrace them completely and build up the life where each of this components are so worth it, that they finally make sense. Paradoxically to accept this would in fact give the ease feeling that I was so bad looking for. Haha funny.

So with this, I welcome this new year with open arms, accepting every little part of it, because I know I’m moving everyday a little bit forward.

*Este texto lo escribe Miryam como parte de su proceso cotidiano de reflexión, siendo mexicana y viviendo en el extranjero. Está escrito originalmente en inglés y por respeto a sus palabras lo comparto tal cual.

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